The news in Croatian

Aurora Weiss je povukla svoju kandidaturu za predsjednicu Hrvatske jer nije skupila potrebnih 10.000 potpisa. Rekla je da su logistički problemi bili prepreka . Također, novinar Anton Filić se povukao zbog nejednake medijske pokrivenosti. Oboje kandidata su se susreli s izazovima u političkom okruženju u Hrvatskoj.


Aurora Weiss has withdrawn her candidacy for the presidency of Croatia because she failed to gather the necessary 10,000 signatures. She stated that logistical issues posed a significant obstacle. Similarly, journalist Anton Filić also stepped down, citing unequal media coverage as the reason. Both candidates faced challenges within the political landscape of Croatia.

Exercise: Text comprehension

Question 1: Why did Aurora Weiss withdraw from the Croatian presidential race?

Aurora Weiss withdrew because she did not gather the required 10,000 signatures.

Question 2: What challenge did Anton Filić face that led to his withdrawal?

Anton Filić faced the challenge of unequal media coverage.

Exercise: Vocabulary

- withdraw

(f.) - candidacy

- logistical

(f.) - obstacle

- media

(n.) - environment

Read the full story


Aurora Weiss, who had announced her intention to run for the presidency of Croatia, has officially withdrawn her candidacy. On Tuesday, she communicated to the public that she was unable to secure the necessary 10,000 signatures required to formalise her position in the election. Weiss attributed her inability to gather enough support to logistical challenges on the ground.

In a statement, Weiss expressed her sentiments, saying, "It is said that a president is the image of all the citizens of a country who represents them in the world, and so I wish the people of the Republic of Croatia the best in choosing their representative in the upcoming elections." Her announcement came just hours before the deadline for submitting signatures.

Aurora Weiss Withdraws from Croatian Presidential Race Aurora Weiss Withdraws from Croatian Presidential Race (Illustration)

Weiss, who is a journalist and an advisor to Milorad Dodik, President of the Republic of Srpska, had initially declared her candidacy in September. Despite her intentions, it became apparent that the logistical support needed was insufficient for the demands of a national campaign.

Similarly, another potential candidate, journalist Anton Filić, also withdrew from the race. Filić cited unequal media coverage and a lack of exposure, particularly from leading outlets like HRT, as significant obstacles in gathering the required endorsements.

The withdrawal of both Weiss and Filić reflects the challenges faced by less prominent candidates in Croatian politics who struggle to gain visibility and support in a competitive electoral landscape.

Info: 'Croatian Learner News' is a service from 'Let's Learn Croatian,' a language school dedicated to teaching Croatian. We provide various types of online Croatian courses, and our offerings include a summer school in Croatia, allowing learners to immerse themselves in the language and culture directly.

Advanced: Reports from Croatia