The news in Croatian
Irena Hrstić je nova kandidatkinja za ministricu zdravstva u Hrvatskoj. Njezin prethodnik, Vili Beroš, je uhićen zbog primanja mita . Premijer Plenković podržava Hrstić i vjeruje da će donijeti promjene. Sada treba potvrdu od parlamenta . Hrstić želi poboljšati zdravstveni sustav i raditi na problemima kao što su duge liste čekanja.
Irena Hrstić is the new candidate for the position of Minister of Health in Croatia. Her predecessor, Vili Beroš, was arrested for accepting bribes. Prime Minister Plenković supports Hrstić and believes she will bring about change. She now needs confirmation from parliament. Hrstić aims to improve the healthcare system and address issues such as long waiting lists.
Exercise: Text comprehension
Question 1: Who supports Irena Hrstić as the new Health Minister?
Prime Minister Plenković supports Irena Hrstić.
Question 2: What is one of the problems Irena Hrstić wants to work on if confirmed?
She wants to work on reducing long waiting lists.
Exercise: Vocabulary
Read the full story
The nomination of Irena Hrstić as the new Croatian Minister of Health comes amid a backdrop of controversy following the arrest of her predecessor, Vili Beroš. Beroš was detained on charges of accepting bribes in connection with medical equipment procurement, leading to his immediate dismissal from office.
Prime Minister Andrej Plenković presented Hrstić to the Parliamentary Health and Social Policy Committee, where she received initial approval. Her formal confirmation requires a majority vote from at least 76 members of the Croatian Parliament, expected to take place during a session scheduled for December 6th.
During Hrstić's presentation hearing, tensions flared between Plenković and members of the opposition, particularly Nikola Grmoja from the Most Party, who accused the Prime Minister of leading a network of corruption within the government. Grmoja's bold statements caused commotion, leading to interruptions and intervention by the committee chair, Ivana Kekin.
Irena Hrstić Proposed as Croatia's New Health Minister (Illustration)
Hrstić, previously a state secretary and a medical professional with a background in gastroenterology, took the opportunity to address concerns about the state of Croatian healthcare. She acknowledged existing challenges and the need for reforms but emphasised her commitment to enhancing healthcare quality and transparency. "The system has to reflect current times," she stated, underlining her plan to address issues like long wait times and the balance between public and private healthcare services.
The discussions also spotlighted systemic issues raised by opposition members, such as the controversial outsourcing of public healthcare services to private sectors and the efficiency of recent healthcare expenditures. Ivana Kekin queried Hrstić regarding her stance on revising Croatia's outdated abortion law and ensuring equitable access to services.
Plenković defended the nomination, citing Hrstić's qualifications and experience managing the Pula General Hospital. He underscored her capability to implement overdue reforms and restore public confidence in the healthcare system. He added that her role would be supported by the majority in the parliament, indicating confidence in her ability to carry out her duties with integrity.
While some citizens remain sceptical, with only a minority anticipating positive changes under Hrstić’s leadership, her confirmation as minister could signal a potential turning point for an embattled healthcare system needing urgent reform and transparency.
Info: "Croatian Learner News" is a service from "Let's Learn Croatian", a language school dedicated to teaching Croatian. We offer a variety of online courses, each tailored to different proficiency levels, supported by experienced online Croatian tutors.
Advanced: Reports from Croatia
- What Will the State of Healthcare Be With the Arrival of the New Minister? Here's How You Responded (
- VIDEO Chaos Erupts in Parliament as Grmoja Accuses Plenković: 'You're the Head of the Corrupt Octopus, and I'll Cut it Off' (Večernji list)
- Kekin Released Beroš Recording; Plenković: 'This is the first I'm hearing of it, I don't know where you got it from' (
- Plenković Introduces Irena Hrstić to the Parliamentary Health Committee (Glas Istre)