The news in Croatian

Trg Svetog Marka u Zagrebu bit će zatvoren zbog obnove zgrade Hrvatskog sabora. Ova obnova trajat će više od dvije i pol godine. Trg će postati veliko gradilište . Zbog sigurnosnih razloga trg ostaje zatvoren. Na obnovi će raditi mnogo ljudi i opreme, što izaziva prometne promjene .


St. Mark's Square in Zagreb will be closed due to renovations of the Croatian Parliament building. This renovation will last for more than two and a half years. The square will become a large construction site. For safety reasons, the square will remain closed. Many workers and pieces of equipment will be involved in the renovation, causing changes in traffic.

Exercise: Text comprehension

Question 1: Why is Markov Square closed?

It is closed because of the renovations of the Croatian Parliament building.

Question 2: How long is the renovation expected to last?

The renovation is expected to last more than two and a half years.

Exercise: Vocabulary

- last

(f.) - renovation

(n.) - construction site

- safety

- cause

(f.) - change

Read the full story


The historic Markov Square in Zagreb, Croatia, will remain closed to the public as a result of extensive renovations to the Croatian Parliament building. This announcement comes amidst ongoing security assessments that have been in place since a terrorist attack in 2020.

Minister of the Interior Davor Božinović outlined the logistical challenges involved in the renovation, citing the involvement of significant construction equipment and manpower. Minister Božinović emphasized that the square's status has been under continuous review due to security concerns, and the upcoming reconstruction activities will add further complexity to the existing traffic and public access arrangements.

Minister of Culture and Media Nina Obuljen Koržinek echoed the need for the square's closure, pointing out that the building's comprehensive restoration is set to last over two and a half years. She noted that in roughly ten days, the square will resemble a large construction site, recalling similar circumstances during the previous restoration of St. Mark's Church.

Markov Square Remains Closed During Parliament Renovations Markov Square Remains Closed During Parliament Renovations (Illustration)

The decision to keep the square closed has provoked some intrigue. Gordan Jandroković, President of the Croatian Parliament, expressed a measure of surprise at the prioritization of this project within Zagreb City, especially considering the disruption it causes, such as its current use as a parking area for state vehicles.

In related news, Minister Božinović addressed questions from the media regarding the potential deployment of Croatian officers to Viesbaden, Germany, as part of a NATO mission. Clarity was provided that this mission does not involve deploying troops to Ukraine, aligning with the commitments Croatia made at the NATO summit in Washington.

The renovation and associated changes to Markov Square reflect broader security and infrastructural considerations within the city, illustrating the intricate balance between historical preservation and modern operational requirements.

Info: "Croatian Learner News" is a service from "Let's Learn Croatian", a language school dedicated to teaching Croatian. We offer various online courses, guided by experienced Croatian tutors, to help learners of all levels achieve their language goals.

Advanced: Reports from Croatia