The news in Croatian

Zoran Milanović i Dragan Primorac su se sukobili u televizijskoj debati prije predsjedničkih izbora u nedjelju. Milanović traži reizbor, dok ga Primorac izaziva . Raspravljali su o obrani , vanjskim odnosima i gospodarstvu . Milanović želi jaču Hrvatsku, a Primorac kritizira njegovo vodstvo i nudi nove ideje. Biranje će biti ove nedjelje.



Zoran Milanović and Dragan Primorac clashed in a televised debate ahead of the presidential election on Sunday. Milanović seeks re-election, while Primorac is his challenger. They discussed topics including defence, foreign relations, and the economy. Milanović advocates for a stronger Croatia, whereas Primorac criticises his leadership and proposes new ideas. The election will take place this Sunday.

Exercise: Text comprehension

Question 1: Who is seeking re-election in the debate?

Zoran Milanović is seeking re-election.

Question 2: What topics did Milanović and Primorac discuss in the debate?

They discussed defense, foreign relations, and the economy.

Exercise: Vocabulary

- conflict

(f.) - debate

(m.) - election


- challenge

(f.) - defence

(n.) - economy


Read the full story


The atmosphere was tense as Croatian presidential candidates Zoran Milanović and Dragan Primorac faced off in a televised debate ahead of the upcoming election this Sunday. With Milanović seeking re-election and Primorac challenging him, the debate provided a platform for both to outline their visions for Croatia.

In his opening remarks, Milanović thanked voters for their support in the first round, emphasising his commitment to strengthening Croatia and urging citizens to head to the polls. He projected a vision of a "better Croatia" through solidarity and democratic participation.

Primorac, supported by the HDZ, positioned himself as an outsider keen to "right the wrongs" delivered by Milanović's presidency. He accused Milanović of dividing the country and criticised his handling of military affairs, while promising to leverage his international connections for Croatia's benefit.

The debate touched on key themes including national defence, where Milanović asserted his opposition to altering presidential powers linked to military command, citing constitutional prerogatives. In contrast, Primorac criticised what he described as Milanović's failure to work cohesively with the government and the military, calling for reinstatement of the mandatory military service to prepare youth for defence challenges.

Milanović and Primorac Clash in Heated Debate Milanović and Primorac Clash in Heated Debate (Illustration)

Foreign relations were a contentious issue, with discussions on Croatia’s military partnerships and potential involvement in global conflicts. Milanović reassured that Croatia should not engage in preparations for hypothetical wars, advocating for a peace-oriented strategy, especially concerning Ukraine.

The debate also touched on sociopolitical ideologies, with Primorac questioning Milanović’s positions on traditional values. Accusations flew over connections to controversial international figures, further intensifying the debate's animosity.

On economic matters, Milanović highlighted his past successes as Prime Minister in maintaining a balanced budget, while Primorac focused on his vision for a future driven by technological and biotechnological advancements. Milanović countered accusations from Primorac about his financial management and employment history, defending his experience and success in both public and private sectors.

The debate closed with pleas from both candidates to the electorate: Primorac promised a presidency that would unite Croatia and move towards Western values, while Milanović called for support to continue his work in fostering a stronger, more unified nation.

The clash between Milanović and Primorac at HRT's debate left viewers with much to ponder as the nation prepares to cast their votes for the next President of Croatia this weekend.


Info: "Croatian Learner News" is a service from "Let's Learn Croatian", a language school specialising in teaching Croatian. We offer various online courses, providing resources for those wondering how to learn Croatian.

Advanced: Reports from Croatia