The news in Croatian
Zagrebačka katedrala je zatvorena skoro pet godina nakon potresa 2020. godine. Radovi na obnovi su teški i traju dugo. Vrlo su važni zbog zaštite od budućih potresa . Mještani su tužni jer ne mogu ići na misu. Radnici rade da katedrala ponovo bude otvorena za službe .
The Zagreb Cathedral has been closed for almost five years following the earthquake in 2020. The restoration work is challenging and takes a long time. It is very important for protection against future earthquakes. Locals are saddened as they cannot attend mass. Workers are striving for the cathedral to be reopened for services.
Exercise: Text comprehension
Question 1: Why has Zagreb Cathedral been closed for almost five years?
It has been closed due to the earthquake in 2020 and the ongoing restoration work.
Question 2: How do local people feel about the cathedral being closed?
They are sad because they cannot attend mass.
Exercise: Vocabulary
Read the full story
The iconic Zagreb Cathedral, a cornerstone of Croatia's cultural and religious heritage, remains closed nearly five years after the devastating earthquake in 2020. Despite numerous assurances from officials and engineers, the cathedral remains enveloped in scaffolding, much to the disappointment of local believers who have been unable to attend mass there since the closure.
The cathedral's restoration has become the largest and most complex project of its kind in Croatia. Over 24,820 reinforcing rods have been installed, and all unstable sections threatening collapse have been removed. Now, the focus has shifted to fortifying the structure's earthquake resistance, ensuring it can withstand future seismic events. Milan Crnogorac, the project reviewer, emphasized the importance of preserving the cathedral’s original design and aesthetics while enhancing its structural resilience.
The team, consisting of fifty seasoned workers, is cautious about offering a precise timeline for completion. "Exact predictions are challenging," remarked chief engineer Ante Mlinar, stating that the main goal is to reopen the cathedral for religious services as soon as possible. However, the reconstruction of the towers will be an extended process spanning several years.
Locals express nostalgia and frustration with the prolonged restoration. From the nearby Dolac market, where vendors long for the bustling crowds that once accompanied cathedral events, there is a sentiment that the process lacks urgency. Some, like Ljubica, worry that they may not witness the project's completion in their lifetime.
Despite earlier promises to open the cathedral doors, these commitments have repeatedly fallen through, leaving the sacred site in a prolonged state of reconstruction. As the “skeleton” of the cathedral towers above the city, it remains a poignant symbol of fragility and resilience in the heart of Zagreb.
Info: 'Croatian Learner News' is a service from 'Let's Learn Croatian', our dedicated Croatian language school offering a variety of online courses. Our aim is to help learners at all levels engage with the Croatian language in a flexible and accessible way.