– Monday
Meaning: “the day which follows nedjelja“
– Tuesday
Source: from an old Slavic word which meant “second”
– Wednesday
Meaning: “the middle day”
– Thursday
Meaning: “the fourth day“ (četiri – four)
– Friday
Meaning: “the fifth day“ (pet – five)
– Saturday
Source: from the word “Shabbat”.
– Sunday
Meaning: “day with no work”
A couple of interesting asides ...
- It's not uncommon for Croatian kids to mistakenly refer to subota (Saturday) as “šestak” (šest – six) when they first learn the days of the week.
- Above we've listed the days of the week beginning with Sunday, however it's worth noting that in Croatia the first day of the week is typically considered to be Monday.
- Unlike with English/German, in Croatian the days of the week are not capitalised, except when used at the beginning of a sentence.
Talking about the days of the week in Croatian
Talking about a specific day
To talk about doing something on a specific day of the week, the preposition u is used with the accusative case, for example:
Vidimo se u subotu.
– I’ll see you on Saturday.
Igram tenis u utorak.
– I’m playing tennis on Tuesday.
Idem na posao u četvrtak.
– I’m going to work on Thursday.
Talking about recurring events
When talking about reoccurring events which occur on the same day each week, the instrumental case is used, for example:
Subotom idemo u kino.
– We go to the cinema on Saturdays.
Utorkom igram tenis.
– I play tennis on Tuesdays.
Četvrtkom radim.
– I work on Thursdays.
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